ICRCV will provide an insight into the unique world stemming from the interaction between the fields of Robotics and Computer Vision. ICRCV will also provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and present results of on-going research in most state-of-the-art areas of robotics and computer vision.

Track I: Robot Design and Control

Cross-domain morphing aircraft modeling and control
Mechanism design and applications
Micro robots and micro-manipulation
Mobile robotics
Mobile sensor networks
Precision motion control
Process control
Robot control
Robot sensing and data fusion
Robotics modeling and identification
Robust control
Rotorcraft vehicles Control
Search, rescue and field robotics
Space and underwater robots

Track II: Intelligent Control Systems and Engineering Applications

Adaptive control
Complex systems
Control applications
Control engineering education
Control of biological systems
Co-operative control
Data driven model free control
Delay systems
Discrete event systems
Fuzzy systems
Hybrid systems
Intelligent systems
Networked control systems
Nonlinear systems
Sensor network systems

Track III: Artificial Intelligence in Robot Systems

Artificial intelligence
Computational intelligence
Evolutionary computation
Fuzzy and neural systems
Human-centered systems
Human-Robot Interaction
Intelligent Control and AI in Mechatronics
Intelligent systems and expert systems
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Localization, navigation and mapping
Machine learning and deep learning
Modeling and Simulation Scheduling
Neural networks
Perception systems
Quantum control and computing
Robot Intelligence and Learning
Sensor Development
Sensors and Applications
Signal and Image Processing

Track IV: Machine Vision and Visualization

Activity/behavior recognition
Autonomous driving
Biomedical Image analysis
Computational imaging
Computer vision theory
Face and Gesture
Feature extraction, grouping and segmentation
Identification and estimation
Image and video synthesis and generation
Image video analysis
Image-based modeling
Learning in vision
Low-level vision
Machine vision and visual servoing
Object recognition
Pattern recognition
Scene analysis
Stereo and Structure from motion
Tracking and surveillance
Vision for robots

Track V: Robotics in Biomedicine and Rehabilitation

Applications for Robotics in Medicine
Assist-as-needed Exoskeleton Robots
Biomedical and Rehabilitation Engineering,
Dexterous manipulation
Human centered systems
Human motion intention detection and observation
Medical Image Analysis
Medical robots and bio-robotics
Medical Transportation Robots
Rehabilitation Engineering
Rehabilitation Robot System
Robotic Prescription Dispensing Systems
Robotics Science and Engineering
Sanitation and Disinfection Robots
Smart Materials and Structures
Wearable Robots